The friends we never knew we had...
Photos this week are student painted wall murals in the patio of Alameda High School. The specific artists are generally not listed on the murals. They are presented without titles.
Queen Elizabeth has got it right when she refers to herself
using the “Royal We”.
We should all speak of ourselves in the plural!
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Every surface and crevice of our body is an
ecosystem for myriad organisms that find conditions just right for them to live
and thrive. Roughly 100 trillion
microorganisms call us each home. (More
than the number of people that has ever lived). We each have between 3 and 5
pounds of bacteria cells living in our digestive system alone!
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There are horrific diseases caused by bacterial invasions. Our natural immune systems have evolved to attempt to deal with these attacks, and modern medicine has a justified focus on combating disease.
However the role of bacteria living in our bodies and contributing to our well being is a new and exciting field of study. Some bacteria in my body allow me to take energy from the food I eat, by releasing digestive enzymes that I cannot produce on my own. Bacterial enzymes also stimulate the production of vital nutrients needed by my body. They control or prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in my body. As I live my life, bacteria have interacted with my immune system, programing it to recognize “self” cells from “non self” cells that may be harmful. The critical roles of positive bacteria is now being examined as a means to combat illness.
However the role of bacteria living in our bodies and contributing to our well being is a new and exciting field of study. Some bacteria in my body allow me to take energy from the food I eat, by releasing digestive enzymes that I cannot produce on my own. Bacterial enzymes also stimulate the production of vital nutrients needed by my body. They control or prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in my body. As I live my life, bacteria have interacted with my immune system, programing it to recognize “self” cells from “non self” cells that may be harmful. The critical roles of positive bacteria is now being examined as a means to combat illness.
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Since their discovery, bacteria have gotten bad press... Just like people, the troublesome minority have given the others a negative image. Actually, bacteria are necessary at each step
of our lives to maintain the health of our bodies. Many of the enzymes that we require for
normal body functions are produced by specific species of bacteria. A major new
study was published this week focusing on the interaction of microbes with our whole body system.
This is big news! Check it out...
This is big news! Check it out...
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How has this codependence between man and bacteria come about?
Coevolution occurs when two organisms adapt and change over time in response to
the other. The conditions in a
particular region of the human body are ideal for the growth of particular
species of bacteria. Over time as my
body chemistry has changed, the bacteria have adapted to the changes, and have varied their products. The human body has also adapted to become
dependent on the by-products of the bacteria.
One changes due to environmental change, the other evolves dependence in
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Also surprising is the fact that we each have vastly unique combinations
of bacteria living in our bodies... not really surprising when you consider how
we each encounter the world in such different ways, different foods, pets,
family and colleagues, travels... Through all of these experiences we
accumulate unique “gardens” of bacteria.
There may be as many as 5000 different species of bacteria living in our
mouths alone– and nearly all are benign or beneficial to our well-being. What does that tell you about a friendly
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One surprise discovery is how by moving a few centimeters
along our digestive gut the environment changes subtly in terms of available
oxygen, acidity, nutrients, etc. The
slightly different environments are advantageous to different populations of
bacteria, which in turn produce different by-products upon which our bodies
have become dependent.
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Virus particles are microorganisms too. They are incredibly
smaller than bacteria. Many virus
particles specialize in attacking our bacteria cells. This complex interaction may be part of the
human immunological response to disease.
It is a rich field for future research!
In addition we have fungus organisms in abundance. One of the miracles of the body is our
ability to use the immune system to fight pathogenic disease causing organisms
and tolerating beneficial bacteria.
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There has been some talk in recent years about introducing
into the gut “friendly” probiotic
bacteria, when travelling in a foreign country with “strange” bacteria that may
cause “travellers digestive problems”.
You can buy over the counter capsules with friendly living probiotic bacteria. In theory they fill the
gut with benign organisms that minimize the growth of strange foreign bacteria.
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Also when you take a course of
powerful antibiotics you weaken or kill the disease organisms, but also kill
the vast assemblage of normal good bacteria.
There is concern about leaving this environment vacant until the normal
biotic communities can become reestablished (lest a bad guy microorganism gets established first). Some people eat large amounts of yogurt or other naturally probiotic foods to introduce friendly living
bacteria to help refill the space..
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Learning to manage and “farm” our normal bacteria is an
exciting new direction for medicine. This is breaking news and I urge you to watch for developments as the research
To read more go to;
BBC article:
NY Times article:
How to make probiotic sauerkraut:
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